Iva Marić

Iva Marić

Nepremičninski posrednik z licenco

iva.maric@eurovilla.hr+385 99 484 6093Prenesite stik Prenesite stik

Graduated in economics, Iva is a simple and reliable person who enjoys working with people and helping them achieve their goals. She believes in the importance of good communication and an honest approach in all situations. She also believes that patience and careful listening are key to understanding clients' needs. She always tries to be approachable and open, and values ​​long-term relationships based on trust. Iva is an excellent agent who skillfully manages time, and plans and coordinates the work keeping in mind all the details.


Berislavićeva 4, Zagreb

+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582

Nepremičninska agencija z licenco


    Berislavićeva 4

    Gajeva ulica 15

    Radnička cesta 52, Green Gold

    Horvaćanska cesta 160


    Split, Ulica Mike Tripala 4

    Dubrovnik, Liechtensteinov put 3, Hotel Rixos Premium



    Pula, Marka Marulića 3

    Poreč, Partizanska 4


    Rijeka, Pul Vele Crikve 1


    Osijek, Kapucinska ulica 29




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