As a professional bachelor's degree in economics with extensive experience in many activities - mainly sales and management, Domagoj logically continued his professional path in luxury real estate mediation. The skills of leading people and teams through his previous portfolio make him an excellent coordinator in his natural function. With a pronounced direct responsibility for achieving goals within the given deadlines, Domagoj handles the complex real estate market fantastically, offering top-level service. Familiar with laws and tax regulations, he always offers the client clear and high-quality information. Domagoj has excellent communication skills that he acquired in daily work with colleagues and clients while working in management positions. Refined business ethics, accessibility, expertise and reliability make Domagoj an excellent choice in the search for your ideal property.


Berislavićeva 4, Zagreb

+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582

Nepremičninska agencija z licenco


    Berislavićeva 4

    Gajeva ulica 15

    Radnička cesta 52, Green Gold

    Horvaćanska cesta 160


    Split, Ulica Mike Tripala 4

    Dubrovnik, Dr. Ante Starčevića 24



    Pula, Marka Marulića 3

    Poreč, Partizanska 4




    Osijek, Kapucinska ulica 29




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