Filip Vuković

Ivana Maras Pezer

It was the first time I cooperated with the agency "Eurovilla" and I am sure that I will continue in the future. They are very professional and expert, and also simple and fast during the entire process, from recording the space to concluding the contract. All the most sincere compliments to agent Filip Vuković! Filip is extremely approachable, professional and dedicated to his work, and from the first moment I felt maximum trust and security working with him. For every recommendation, from the bottom of my heart!


Berislavićeva 4, Zagreb

+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582

Nepremičninska agencija z licenco


    Berislavićeva 4

    Gajeva ulica 15

    Radnička cesta 52, Green Gold

    Horvaćanska cesta 160


    Split, Ulica Mike Tripala 4

    Dubrovnik, Dr. Ante Starčevića 24



    Pula, Marka Marulića 3

    Poreč, Partizanska 4




    Osijek, Kapucinska ulica 29




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