After graduating from general high school in Crikvenica, Rade continues his further education at the Dag Hammarskjöld College of International Relations and Diplomacy in Zagreb. After completing his education, he obtained the academic title of Bachelor of International Relations in Diplomacy, after which he continued his career in the tourism sector in numerous positions, working equally successfully for both domestic and foreign employers. Having passed the exam for a licensed real estate agent, Rade joins Eurovilla where he successfully combines his passion and interest with a professional aspect.



    Berislaviceva 4

    Gajeva Straat 15

    Radnicka cesta 52, Green Gold

    Horvacanska cesta 160

Split, Mike Tripala Straat 4

Rovinj, Promenade van de Raad van Europa, ACI Rovinj

Pula, Ciscuttijeva 7

Porec, Partizanska 4

Dubrovnik, Dr. Ante Starcevica 24




+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582

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