Ненад Татаринов

Ненад Татаринов

Салес Ассистант

tatarinov@eurovilla.hr+385 99 219 7061Скачать контакт Скачать контакт

Reliable and highly organized, truly a team worker, experienced in hotel project management, human resources development, financial planning and control, sales and marketing management, Nenad is always focused on achieving financial goals, implementing and controlling the highest standards in the hotel industry and working with people. As a very communicative person, always motivated for new ideas, oriented to innovation and focused on goal management with continuous improvement and professional development, accepting challenges and solving them with teamwork, Nenad makes the ideal person for the project manager of our Istrian branch.

Списки агентов (40)



    Бериславићева 4

    ул. Гаева, 15

    Радничка Цеста 52, Green Gold

    Хорвачанская цеста 160

Расколоть, улица Майка Трипала, 4

Ровинь, Набережная Совета Европы, ACI Ровинь

Пула, Цискуттиева 7

Порец, Партизанска 4

Дубровник, Доктор Анте Старцевица 24




+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582

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