With many years of dynamic experience in tourism and marketing, Maja is a cheerful and communicative person who combines professional results with different adaptation abilities and an innovative approach to solving problems. In addition, Maja has excellent organizational skills that enable her to effectively manage projects and teams and achieve goals with a high level of precision and efficiency. In her free time, she is engaged in painting, where she expresses her creativity and passion for art.



    Berislavićeva 4

    Gajeva 15

    Radnička cesta 52, Green Gold

    Horvacanska cesta 160

Split, Ulica Mikea Tripala 4

Rovinj, Promenáda Rady Európy, ACI Rovinj

Pula, Ciscuttijeva 7

Poreč, Partizanska 4

Dubrovník, Dr. Ante Starčevića 24




+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582

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