With her knowledge in commercial and civil law and a land law license speciality, Marija tries to help clients and agents in solving the problems they face when buying, renting and leasing.

Clients who choose our agency do so because of the safety provided by our agents, but also by our legal team. She is always available to her clients. 

Marija is a very systematic worker. Prior to realization, each property is additionally verified for additional client security, and then she starts the contract preparation. From choosing a property to registering a property right, every step is safely implemented and checked into the smallest detail.

Stranke o Marija

Chris Bibich

"I want to say thank you to Mariji Okopni in regards to my purchase of coop apartment. All procedure was obvious and done on time. It was not easy for me to prepare documentation properly, but all...

Lee Right

"Marija was well informed and smart. She was also helpful and kind. I would recommend her!"


Berislavićeva 4, Zagreb

+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582

Nepremičninska agencija z licenco


    Berislavićeva 4

    Gajeva ulica 15

    Radnička cesta 52, Green Gold

    Horvaćanska cesta 160


    Split, Ulica Mike Tripala 4

    Dubrovnik, Dr. Ante Starčevića 24



    Pula, Marka Marulića 3

    Poreč, Partizanska 4




    Osijek, Kapucinska ulica 29




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