Behind the lens of Dalmatian photography, is Antea Blašković. She was born in Split, where she graduated from the School of Fine Arts with a degree in photographic design.

Her first job was working in a travel agency as a photographer of accommodation facilities, and she also participated in the design of the offer, as well as in the preparation of promotional material. After that, he has many years of work in the publishing house in graphic design.

Eurovilla comes full of ambition and desire to make one of her photos your next home.


Zagabria (Zagreb)

    Berislaviceva 4

    Via Gajeva 15

    Via Radnicka cesta 52, Green Gold

    Via Horvacanska cesta 160

Spalato (Split), Via Mike Tripala 4

Rovigno (Rovinj), Passeggiata del Consiglio d'Europa, ACI Rovigno

Pola (Pula), Via Pietro Ciscutti 7

Parenzo (Porec), Via dei Partigiani 4

Ragusa (Dubrovnik), Via Dr. Ante Starcevic 24

Zara (Zadar)

Fiume (Rijeka)


+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582


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