Reliability, expertise, professional enthusiasm and rich experience in the sales sector are just some of the initial qualities of our Domagoj, who, as a graduate in economics, with a broad business background, qualifies extremely highly in terms of competence in the dynamic real estate market. Extremely communicative and capable of impressing both colleagues and clients alike, Domagoj is characterized by a prominent work ethic and a constant desire for progress in his business approach, attending numerous professional seminars, which additionally complete the existing set of sales skills. A deep understanding of the differentiated and individual needs of clients, in synergy with the amount of accumulated knowledge, make Domagoj a very accommodating agent with whom no job seems difficult.

Elenchi degli agenti (110)


Zagabria (Zagreb)

    Berislaviceva 4

    Via Gajeva 15

    Via Radnicka cesta 52, Green Gold

    Via Horvacanska cesta 160

Spalato (Split), Via Mike Tripala 4

Rovigno (Rovinj), Passeggiata del Consiglio d'Europa, ACI Rovigno

Pola (Pula), Via Pietro Ciscutti 7

Parenzo (Porec), Via dei Partigiani 4

Ragusa (Dubrovnik), Via Dr. Ante Starcevic 24

Zara (Zadar)

Fiume (Rijeka)


+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582


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