Nikola is a lawyer with an impressive professional portfolio in charge of legal issues at our Split branch. After graduating from the Faculty of Law in Split, Nikola took the bar exam, the notary exam and became an authorized mediator for resolving disputes. With further training, Nikola also takes the exam for the bankruptcy trustee, and finally the one of the authorized real estate agent at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce. Nikola Božiković is truly one of the best young lawyers in Split and to our great satisfaction he is part of a harmonious Eurovilla legal team.


Zagabria (Zagreb)

    Berislaviceva 4

    Via Gajeva 15

    Via Radnicka cesta 52, Green Gold

    Via Horvacanska cesta 160

Spalato (Split), Via Mike Tripala 4

Rovigno (Rovinj), Passeggiata del Consiglio d'Europa, ACI Rovigno

Pola (Pula), Via Pietro Ciscutti 7

Parenzo (Porec), Via dei Partigiani 4

Ragusa (Dubrovnik), Via Dr. Ante Starcevic 24

Zara (Zadar)

Fiume (Rijeka)


+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582


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