Quick, efficient, ready to answer all your questions and doubts about the complex dynamics of mediation in the ever-dynamic real estate market, Patricia is the perfect choice if you want to work with an agent who is fully dedicated to the individual needs and demands of her many clients. Professional ethics, optimistic spirit and excellent realizations make Patricia an indispensable part of Eurovilla's team of excellent agents. With numerous completed educations and seminars, and constant professional development in accordance with the latest business trends, be sure that Patricia will always justify your trust.

Elenchi degli agenti (73)


Zagabria (Zagreb)

    Berislaviceva 4

    Via Gajeva 15

    Via Radnicka cesta 52, Green Gold

    Via Horvacanska cesta 160

Spalato (Split), Via Mike Tripala 4

Rovigno (Rovinj), Passeggiata del Consiglio d'Europa, ACI Rovigno

Pola (Pula), Via Pietro Ciscutti 7

Parenzo (Porec), Via dei Partigiani 4

Ragusa (Dubrovnik), Via Dr. Ante Starcevic 24

Zara (Zadar)

Fiume (Rijeka)


+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582


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