The man on the other side of the lens of all your real estate. During the enchanting 25 years of photography, he crafted his skills and cooperated with some of the largest Croatian and foreign companies.

In Eurovilla Srđan faces yet another challenge. in addition to taking the photos of products and portraits, managing editorials and more, he captures photographs of real estate from which he draws the most important thing - a feeling that it could be your home.


Zagabria (Zagreb)

    Berislaviceva 4

    Via Gajeva 15

    Via Radnicka cesta 52, Green Gold

    Via Horvacanska cesta 160

Spalato (Split), Via Mike Tripala 4

Rovigno (Rovinj), Passeggiata del Consiglio d'Europa, ACI Rovigno

Pola (Pula), Via Pietro Ciscutti 7

Parenzo (Porec), Via dei Partigiani 4

Ragusa (Dubrovnik), Via Dr. Ante Starcevic 24

Zara (Zadar)

Fiume (Rijeka)


+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582


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