After completing her studies in interior design, Antonia successfully combines her first passion with a great interest in the world of real estate, having a clear goal of providing clients with the highest quality service when buying a house or apartment. Antonia, as a very empathetic, motivated, kind and versatile person, has a great professional passion and strives to create the potential and final look of the space in accordance with all the wishes of her clients. She enjoys being a part of big and important decisions in someone's life and using her knowledge and creativity to make the entire buying and selling process as easy and beautiful as possible.

Agent vermeldingen (66)



    Berislaviceva 4

    Gajeva Straat 15

    Radnicka cesta 52, Green Gold

    Horvacanska cesta 160

Split, Mike Tripala Straat 4

Rovinj, Promenade van de Raad van Europa, ACI Rovinj

Pula, Ciscuttijeva 7

Porec, Partizanska 4

Dubrovnik, Dr. Ante Starcevica 24




+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582

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