Closely specialized in litigation, commercial disputes, enforcement and land registry procedures, Toma is an excellent lawyer who, after graduating from the Classical High School in Zagreb and the Faculty of Law at the University of Zagreb, successfully passed the bar exam. After many years of work in a renowned law firm, Toma joins Eurovilla as an excellent legal support. In addition to constant cooperation with parties in order to understand their needs, Toma has gained extensive experience in reviewing documents, preparing and composing contracts, and representing parties related to real estate and land records. Toma is an experienced, innovative and highly organized lawyer with a proven track record of achieving favorable outcomes for clients.


Бериславићева 4, Загреб

+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582

Лицензированное агентство недвижимости


    Бериславићева 4

    ул. Гаева, 15

    Радничка Цеста 52, Green Gold

    Хорвачанская цеста 160


    Расколоть, улица Майка Трипала, 4

    Дубровник, Доктор Анте Старцевица 24



    Пула, Улица Марка Марулича 3

    Порец, Улица Партизанска 4




    Осијек, Улица Капуцинска 29




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