Доминик Jефтиć

Доминик Jефтиć

Салес Ассистант

dominik.jeftic@eurovilla.hr+385 91 600 4925Скачать контакт Скачать контакт

Sociable, professional, responsible and fast are just some of Dominik's virtues that he uses every day with the clear goal of meeting his clients as much as possible and fully satisfying all complex needs and parameters during the process of finding the ideal property. A deft team player with sportsmanship and professionally sharp ambitions, Dominik readily responds to all the challenges required by working at Euroville as a luxury real estate agency. Always available and maximally knowledgeable in the matter and dynamics of mediation in the world of Real Estate, Dominik exudes confidence behind fantastic results and numerous satisfied clients.

Списки агентов (27)



    Бериславићева 4

    ул. Гаева, 15

    Радничка Цеста 52 (Green Gold)

    Хорвачанская цеста 160


    улица Майка Трипала, 4


    ACI Ровинь, Набережная Совета Европы


    Цискуттиева 7


    Доктор Анте Старцевица 24

+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582

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